Testimonials and Reviews

Video testimonials provide an engaging way to capture the products our customers love the most. Our selections were made from loyal customers sharing their experiences with Martelli Enterprises products and the impact they’ve made on their quilting. These products include rotary cutters, cutting mats, and more. Most of our testimonials are from 30 seconds to 1 minute long. Submit one yourself through email at [email protected]. We love to hear about how our products have made a difference!
Read our testimonials and reviews to find out what actual customers are saying about our products and customer service. We also have a series of videos you can watch to get their genuine endorsement, too. You can send your own testimonial by clicking here.
I love all my Martelli products. I spent last evening cutting out 20 pillowcases with my Martelli Cutter and Table/Mat for the Happiness is a Warm Quilt project. The cutter’s great design and the great quality blades save my hands and wrist from pain, and it cuts the fabric like butter. My Martelli mats do not get the grooves in them from repeated cutting like all the other mats I have used, and look practically brand new after a great deal of use. The rotating mat makes squaring up blocks much easier, and it is more stable and rotates easier than the other brands of rotating mats I have used. I also love the padded templates, I used the square set to make a quilt with hundreds of 2 1/2 inch squares, and I was able to cut accurate squares in stacks of 8 without the fabric shifting even a smidge. Last but not least, the Martelli family and employees are all very friendly and kind and treat their customers like family. What’s not to love about Martelli?
Meredith Johnson
I so believe in the Martelli rotary cutters. Many times I’m asked in workshops, classes, and retreats how I like it. “It saved me from having to give up my hobby!!!” When I teach I demo your rotary cutters (I have the 45mm and purchased the 28mm at the Dallas Quilt Celebration 2016). Shoulder issues, elbow, wrist and finger issues were taking their toll. The minute I placed the Martelli 45mm Rotary Cutter in my hand to make the first cut I cried, because there was NO pain in rotary cutting anymore. I refer lots of quilters and sewist to you. Many times fellow quilters have seen me use my MRC and say they have one and want to give me theirs. Why? When I find out I offer them a lesson how to use it correctly and walk them through changing a blade safely. While watching them cut, I make gentle suggestions for better holding (they try to hold it like a regular rotary!) and they fall in love with it. The video is great so I give them homework to go watch it. I’ll keep extolling the virtues of your rotary cutters.
Allison Bayer
I purchased the Martelli Advantage Work Station in November 2013 at the Houston International Quilt Festival as a retirement gift to myself (with my husband’s blessing, of course). The package was great as it included the rotary cutter, rulers, templates, everything I needed to shift my sewing from wearable art clothing to quilts. It definitely proved to be a fantastic purchase, as the Martelli products are all quality products and made sewing/quilting a passion in my retirement. When I decided I wanted a longarm, I looked at all of the major brands of machines, but made Martelli my last stop because as I suspected, it would be the best value for my wants and needs. My husband and I made a trip to Pensacola and I purchased a Bella Prima in July 2015. Since I lived in the Houston area, and was willing to wait a few months, I took delivery of my longarm October 31 as they were coming to Houston for the Quilt Show anyway and saved some on the shipping/delivery cost. As well as their products being of high quality and a great value, Martelli is a wonderful company to do business with and I am happy to be part of the Martelli quilting family.
Georgia Way
The Martelli rotary cutter and blades are my exclusive go to tools. The blades are amazing. They last forever. The rotary cutter doesn’t allow any wrist stress. The company stands behind its products! My rotary cutter was not behaving after several years of heavy use and the sweet people from Martelli replaced it when I brought it to a trade show to see what was wrong. The Martelli booth is always my first stop when I go to the midatlantic quilt show!
Charlotte Barnes
I first saw your products at OK. Winter show a few years ago. I watched the demo once, liked what I saw, but did not want to spend the money. Came back to watch the demo a few more times, but still did not buy a ruler. My reasoning was, often what you see at a demo at a show does not work well when you get it home. As we were leaving the show I ran back and bought the strip ruler. Got it home loved it since then I have bought more rulers. The rulers are wonderful, they do not move. Thank you for a great product.
Marlowe Duncan
I had never heard of Martelli until the quilt show in The Villages, 2017. At home that evening, I was raving about the Martelli table, the fact that it tilts, raises and lowers, and almost cooks dinner! Then I exclaimed about the cutting mats, the turntable cutter mat, the ironing pad that turns, the pressing mat and board, and on and on! My husband asked if I had bought the table. I just looked at him in amazement to think he would even suggest that. The next morning we piled in the car, went back to the show and bought the table and other goodies. It is the most amazing equipment I have in my room, besides my machines. I just started using the mitered corner “stuff” and what a difference in my finished product. When we get home from our travels, I’m going to start working with all the “other” products waiting for me. I can’t wait. Wonderful products for my productivity!!
Ann Taylor
It all started with an Ergonomic Rotary Cutter purchased many, many years ago at the Original Sewing & Craft Expo held at the Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. It has progressed over the years to include the Binding System, Large cutting mat, Rotary cutting mat, No-slip pedal pads and an apron. I keep dealing with this company because everything I’ve purchased has been of the highest quality and operates perfectly. Their cutting mats have no peer. I’m often asked to recommend a good cutting system and always respond that Martelli mats and Ergo cutters are the Best. Experienced only one problem in all these years and it was handled in a quick and professional manner. My highest recommendation goes to this reputable company.
Judith Harvey
Purchased my Advantage Work Station at the Duluth, MN quilters show this summer. I’m new to quilting and after making my very first quilt, I knew my back and arms would be in for a workout from then on. Boy, was I wrong! The Martelli work station makes cutting, piecing, ironing and most every aspect of quilting easier. No more sore back and arms for me! Plus, with the Martelli templates, my cuts are perfect, making the finished quilt beautifully done. Family and friends love my Martelli products so much, that they also made purchases after seeing what Martelli did for me!
Sharon Sliwka
I have used the Martelli rotary cutters since the first one. I do admit I update every time you come out with a new cutter. Also love the 28mm size too. My wrist used to get really sore when cutting out a whole quilt. Since my original black handle cutter I can now cut for hours and not have a sore wrist. I also tell people about the cutters. If I am in a shop and see someone looking at cutters, I speak up and tell them Martelli cutters are the best. Plus I tried them all over the years.
Joan Waldman
I have had my Martelli table for 4 years and I don’t know what I would do without it. I use it daily, seriously, every single day I’m in my shop my table is used. Love the rotary cutters and everything else I have gotten from y’all over the years.. Even friends have bought the table since I got mine after they see how useful it is. It’s the best investment anyone could ever make that does quilting or crafts and they need to do any cutting at all.
Mary Easley
For over 3 years, I looked longingly at the Martelli tables at every trade show we visited. In fact, my husband discovered them and said it was a “must have.” A little over a year ago, he said that we had to buy it. What a joy it is to cut my projects on this magnificent work table. Changing heights and angles is so much better on my back. It’s the focal point of my sewing room. I feel almost “professional” with this table. Worth every penny we spent.
Linda Sutherland
I love, love, love my cutters. I have arthritis in my hands and they make cutting so much easier, and a lot less painful.
Helen Caldwell
The first contact with Martelli products was the purchase of the 45mm rotary cutter at a quilt show in Phoenix, Arizona. This tool relieved stress and pain in my hands. I know I can trust anything with the Martelli name. Additional purchases of the round cutting mat, round ironing pad, cutting mats, rulers all the way to the fabulous worktable have improved my quilting skills and final products. And now, my granddaughter is enthusiastically embracing these tools as she is beginning her own quilting journey and has completed her first quilt! Thank you.
Norma Kindall
I love, love, love all your products. I have a lot of them. I like the mats, the cutters, the rulers, We come down to Foley for two months in the winter. There is a great group of ladies that quilt and we always come over to your shop and do a demo for us with some of your products. If we keep coming, soon I think I will have one of everything you except a table. I love the tables and one day I hope to have one.
Jaqueline Dominy
Write your testimonial here: I have been a loyal fan/customer of Martelli products for about 10 years now. It all started with stopping at your booth at the Jacksonville Quilt Fest. I had never heard of your products and bought the Zip Bind system. From that point on I was hooked. I have a work table, multiple rotary cutters, mats, rulers, templates etc. You name it I have it. I recommend you to everyone I know that does any kind of sewing. The biggest thing that stands out is your customer service!! I have never had a negative experience on the phone, at your store or any of the times I have been to a booth at a quilt show. You all even helped me sell a 4 needle embroidery machine that I no longer used due to an upgrade purchase I had made. I now live in North Carolina after many years in Florida. I still travel to Florida for family visits but unfortunately do not have any family in the Pensacola area. Maybe in the future there will be an extension of our family in that area and I can visit the store! Thank you again for all of your wonderful products and support over the years.
Noel Williams
The product I find greatest is the rotary cutter. I am left-handed and it is so nice to have a tool that really works – especially along rulers – it stays upright and not at a dangerous angle that could “jump” over the ruler and do some nasty wounds to my other hand. I have also demonstrated it in my quilting classes and those with arthritis have found your cutter to ease their challenges. Thanks for a super product!
Sue Patch
After having bought, tried and used many rotary cutters and still having issues with cutting, I was at a trade show and tried one of your Ergo Cutters. Wow! What a difference it has made in my quilting skills. It has improved my cutting 110% which in turn has made my quilt tops look so much better due to the more precise cutting of my fabric. If anyone has never tried one of these cutters they need to do so, they will feel the difference of using it and see the difference of the more accurate cuts of their fabrics and the improvement of their skills and the overall improvement in the quality of the finished product.
Mia Harvey
I purchased my Bella Sedere at the Paducah quilt show in 2014. I have been thrilled with not only the machine, but the table and cutting mat that are built in. Initially the help and understanding that I needed would provided and I have not had any concerns since. The ability to raise and lower the table to the correct working height could not be better. Thank you for taking my quilting to another level!
Molly Haney-Burleigh
Some days, I think that you all should have me on the payroll as a remote salesperson! I love your mats, rotary cutters, blades,…well just about everything you make and sell! I have “sold” 3 of your work stations to friends of mine, by letting them use mine and touting its benefits! Your blades are by far the BEST on the market, and far outlast any other. I am left hand dominant, but cut with both hands (better for you), so of course I need to have both left and right handed cutters in 60MM, 45MM and 28MM, and a spare of each (cannot be down if something happens to one, or if I misplace it). Every REDLINE DIRECT sale has me ordering a 10 pack of blades in one of the sizes (and yes, I hand those out to friends to try/use as well). Nothing like experiencing how wonderful the blades are to win another new customer. Keep up the great work!!